• Mindful Monday | Reparenting: Loving Self Discipline

    Mindful Monday | Reparenting: Loving Self Discipline

    To recap from previous episodes and blogs, reparenting is a method for nurturing our self-connection. It entails quieting the inner critic and embracing oneself with both respect and compassion. By prioritizing our own needs, we come to understand that the relationship we hold with ourselves is paramount, as it ripples out and influences all other relationships in our lives.


    You know you need reparenting if you break promises with yourself time after time, feel unworthy or inadequate, make decisions driven by fear rather than purpose, find yourself in unhealthy and unsatisfying relationship dynamics, struggle to set or uphold healthy boundaries, and feel a lack of attunement to your own needs, wants, and passions.


    The initial pillar of reparenting involves embracing self-discipline with love. I emphasize “loving” self-discipline because many of us were raised in environments where discipline was associated with shame, judgment, punishment, or the fear of rejection, creating a perception that love was contingent on conforming to certain behaviors. Rather, loving self-discipline entails cultivating routines and habits with both flexibility and compassion.


    The process of self-discipline requires consistent dedication to ourselves over time. It involves reconnecting with our inner child, possibly for the first time, and reassuring this part of ourselves that we will consistently be present. Through this, trust is built. We take the time to understand our wants, needs, and desires, nurturing inner reliability and confidence. This enables us to recognize our capability to achieve our goals, fostering a self-belief that can have far-reaching effects.


    The teachable takeaway for this week is to choose one small habit to develop. Tune in to learn more about the first pillar of reparenting your inner child. Feel free to share in the comments the habit you have chosen for yourself. I’m eager to hear about your choice and hope you’ll inspire others with your ideas!